You want Death?
We’ve been naming the same problem yet circling the solution. Circling, not finding. Circling, but never landing on it.
Fundamentally, it’s always the same thing. It doesn’t make sense. That doesn’t make sense. Why would they [do something that doesn’t make sense]? It’s [derogatory term that means it doesn’t make sense]. They’re so [derogatory term that means they’re not making sense]. It’s ridiculous [i.e. it doesn’t make sense]. Why are we [doing something that doesn’t make sense]? It doesn’t make sense. It doesn't make sense.
It’s the same thing over and over in every domain, in every conversation. Something or someone is not making sense. For decades, for centuries. It doesn’t make sense. Clearly, in everything, we want to make sense. So, make it make sense. Make them make sense. Teach how to make sense. Reason towards sense. Teach how to make sense. Teach them to reason. Teach them all to reason. Your solution is Reason.
Death will not be your solution. Waiting on certain demographics to die will not be your solution. Believing you can leave certain groups of people alive who are “superior” [in the mind] will not be your solution. Culling the human population will never be your solution. Death is not your saviour.
Just as you can teach sense, you can teach nonsense. We teach nonsense. We have taught nonsense, always. It is passed on.
With an ability to reason, you can correct nonsense. You can help others correct nonsense. But Death? Death is not your solution. Death will only bring Death. Death to a body, not Death to a mind. Not Death to nonsense. Death is not your solution. You’re just waiting on them to die?
[Circa 3:28 pm 31 gen 2025.]
Death will not be your saviour. You’re afraid of death and yet you’re here praying for it. The question is can you pray for another’s death without begging for your own.
You want death?
Are you sure? Are you certain? Are you positive?
[Circa 20:16.]