Things I Want to Crochet this Spring
I've been watching a combination of trend and wishlist videos, and as a few of them gave me ideas for items I'd like to make, it occurred to me to compile a wishlist for crocheted pieces. These aren't all items I necessarily will make. They will sit in my head with me as I admire them and if I feel so moved, I may execute. I usually don't or don't need to though. I'm satisfied enough just to be appreciating them and sometimes sharing them, so that's what I'm doing here.
Clown Collar
This probably appeals to me because I've already been meditating on crocheting an oversized collar for about a year and a half. I still have intention to design patterns for regular collars, but this kind of collar intrigues me. In the past hour, since first seeing a video and having this idea, I've been trying to decide how this would be worn. The fact I'm quite certain I'd never have need or desire to wear it is the reason this one may never be actualised. It's one of those pieces I want to crochet for the sake of problem-solving and helping someone else who does want the item. The issue being, even if I crochet it only to make a pattern, I'll still be left with a collar I have no use for.

Now that I'm looking at a still image, I'm even more sure this won't be made. There was a distinct allure in the moving image, more than there is in any still. It possibly has more to do with Margaret and her movements than the collar itself. I do think I spent more time watching her eyes than actually looking at the collar in the video I saw.
Cotton Bag
I've seen these for a while and never had a desire to make them, but I think that could've been their form. Practically, they make great sense. I've not often seen these made in a way I would like or use, but that was more to do with my daily life. Now that my goings and comings look a bit different, I see use for a medium bag to carry on days when I won't be using my laptop, travelling with several books, staying out all day, etc. That said, I'm still not drawn to the most common designs, particularly because I like when bags fall to my hips. I've been holding the idea of acquiring a medium-sized bag that does this; something moderate with a long strap. Looking at images of these cotton bags today, I thought what if I just crocheted one?. I don't know if I'll do this yet, although it's far more probable than the clown collar. In fact, as I finished that last sentence, I may've just decided I won't. It was a nice idea while it lasted.

The bags I've not previously desired alongside a silhouette I prefer
21 Apr 13:46
Lacey Bonnet
I've been thinking on this one for about a week now and this would most definitely be a gift. I would not wear this but it's beautiful and may intrigue me enough to have me make it. It could be lovely with some fingering cotton or silk.