Reasoning on Suffering

17:36:16 4 Nov 2024

From the 30th of June to the 1st of July, 2024.

It's a projection of a lack of self-confidence, in some sense, as many things are. The idea that all must suffer beyond reason, with "beyond reason" referring to events such as heartbreak and grief. Mandating unnecessary difficulty and struggle, even creating it when it doesn't exist, suggests an inability to fully envision a world where people are okay and they're happy. Happiness is almost threatening, I guess. It suggests a personal experience with suffering, in fact, it suggests more than one, and it suggests an inability or refusal to see other options. It suggests an inability to see a way forward without the suffering of others or even oneself. It suggests a lack of imagination. A lack of creativity.

I did not know of this at the time, but I realise now I was describing a sense of fluid reasoning. It is a projection of a lack of self-confidence, self-efficacy, in some sense, as many things are. It is also a difficulty with fluid reasoning. Mandated suffering is learned. Perpetuating suffering is learned. Means to an end is learned. It's a sort of crystallised intelligence. It is learned over decades, generations, fortified with time. To think with your own thoughts and think from your self on how to operate in the world, without making use of learned because we must, is fluid.

Crystallised intelligence, knowledge acquired through one's culture including verbal ability and social knowledge.

It is crystal to know no one has previously reached certain ends without certain means. It is crystal to know what you've been told has been 'needed' to reach certain ends of pleasure and 'peace'. It is fluid to reason how you may reach those ends without this knowledge, without knowing what has been needed before you, and it is fluid to reason how you may reach those ends while rejecting those needs, those means entirely. To know of what they say you need, what has to be done, and find another way.

I didn't know of it's name, but I'm finding I quite like fluid intelligence. Fluid reasoning. I believe it's my preferred and primary tool.
