Continuing on delusion

The delusion that betters your life

"Some might associate being delusional with a disconnect from reality."

That's just it. That is why this kind of delusion works. In fact, it's bringing you closer to reality, not disconnecting you from it. I'm always a bit uneasy even using "delusion" because of this. A sense of delusion is subjective. Am I disconnecting from my reality or yours? They are not the same. What's more, we are impacted by our experiences. We result from the lives we've lived and we use our resulting existence to continue to produce life. The reality we believe we're disconnecting from may not be real to begin with.

Considering the delusion that does harm

Why is this reality real? Why can we be more certain that the delusion that does harm is one that centers a genuine disconnect from reality? It seems emotion and intrinsic needs are the most real of all. A denial of these is a legitimate disconnect from reality. This makes sense. I'm reminded of the idea all emotions are valid and all somewhat "objectively" make sense*. What is done with the emotions is another issue entirely. The "delusion" that betters life is not working with such "objective" and basic truths as emotion, chemical reactions, fundamental needs for survival. It's not distorting the reality of the hardware we have and how our systems most basically operate. It's challenging the outputs of our collective systems, it's challenging our calculations, it's asking "but perhaps there's been an error?" It's interrogating and reworking most everything subjective so we can fine-tune our programs and produce better results. It challenges beliefs and creations, created beliefs, and arrogance to suggest there will always be something you do not know. Something you cannot see. That is the delusion that "works". Like gratitude, it is truth-seeking. Like gratitude, it is an acknowledgement of reality and a rather refusal to succumb to another's constructions laid out before you. It seems all the things that work are truth-seeking, or many of them are. The issue here now is resolving the use of "delusion" for truth-seeking behaviour. If you truth-seek in a way that violates the decided reality of another, you operate under their "delusion".

In some ways, all language is a bit like cryptography. Perpetually turning the wheels, trying to map your own definitions to another's.**

Built on and continuing from 'On Delusion'.

11 Giu 2024 11:52:11

*Addendum circa 12:11:47

To say an emotion makes sense is not to say the thinking or reasoning that produces an emotion "makes sense". Simply, all things considered, all experiences, all conditioning, all trauma considered, it "makes sense" a system would operate in such a way that certain inputs produce a particular emotion. This does not imply all of the claims resting in a mind or belief system hold true.

**Circa 12:24:41 My word means what in your language? Your word means something else entirely in mine.